§ equal contribution
*corresponding author
40. Kim M, Foster JC, Moore MD* and Chen M*: Improving Single-Molecule Antibody Detection Selectivity through Optimization of Peptide Epitope Presentation in OmpG Nanopore, ACS sensors, 2023, accepted.
39. Foster JC, Pham B, Pham R#, Kim M, Moore MD and Chen M*: An engineered OmpG nanopore with displayed peptide motifs
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38. Yu L, Kang X, Li F, Mehrafrooz B, Makhamreh A, Fallahi A, Foster JC, Aksimentiev A, Chen M, Wanunu M*: Unidirectional Single-File Transport of Full-Length Proteins Through a Nanopore, 2022, Nat Biotech,
37. Li F, Fahie MA, Gilliam K, Pham R# and Chen M*: Mapping the energy landscape of Abl kinase by using ClyA nanopore tweezers. Nat Commun, 2022, DOI:10.21203/

36. Low W, Wong JLC, Seddon C, Beltran LC, David S, Bizeau T, Wang F, Peña A, Costas TRD, Pham B, Chen M, Egelman EH, Beis K, Frankel G*: TraN mediates recipient species specificity during bacterial conjugation, Nat Microbiol, 2022, 7, 1016–1027.
35. Weatherill EE, Fahie MA, Marshall DP, Andvig RA, Cheetham MR, Chen M and Wallace MI*: Fast slow folding of an Outer Membrane Porin. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2022, 119(20): 119 (20) e2121487119.
34. Fahie MAV, Li F, Palmer C#, Yoon C# and Chen M*: Modifying the pH sensitivity of OmpG nanopore for improved detection at acidic pH, Biophysical J, 2022, 121(5): 731-741.

33. Tabatabaei KS§, Pham B§, Pan C§, Liu J, Chandak S, Shorkey S, Hernandez AG, Aksimentiev A*, Chen M*, Schroeder CM*, Milenkovic O*: Expanding the Molecular Alphabet of DNA-Based Data Storage Systems with Nanopore Readouts. Nano letters, 2022, doi/10.1021/acs.nanolett.1c04203.

32. Shorkey S, Du J, Pham R#, Strieter ER and Chen M*: Real-time and label-free measurement of deubiquitinase activity with a MspA nanopore. ChemBioChem 2021, 22(7), 2688-2692.

31. Fahie MAV*, Yang B, Chisholm CM, Chen M: Protein Analyte Sensing with an Outer Membrane Protein G (OmpG) Nanopore. Nanopore Technology. Methods in Molecular Biology 2021, vol 2186.
30. Fahie MAV*, Pham B, Li F, Chen M: A Selective Activity-Based Approach for Analysis of Enzymes with an OmpG Nanopore. Nanopore Technology. Methods in Molecular Biology 202, vol 2186.
29. Li X*, Chen M: Protein Transport Studied by a Model Asymmetric Membrane Army Arranged in a Dimple Chip. Nanopore Technology. Methods in Molecular Biology 2021, vol 2186.
28. Perez-Rathke A., Fahie MAV, Chisholm CM, Chen M, Liang J*: Simulation of pH-Dependent, Loop-Based Membrane Protein Gating Using Pretzel. Nanopore Technology. Methods in Molecular Biology 2021, vol 2186.
27. Fahie MA, Candido J#, Andree G# and Chen M*: Tuning protein discrimination through altering the sampling interface formed between the analyte and OmpG nanopore. ACS sensors 2021, 6(3): 1286–1294.

26. Pham B, Fahie MA, Chisholm C, Foster J, Friis E#, and Chen M*: A pH-independent quiet OmpG pore with enhanced electrostatic repulsion among the extracellular loops. BBA-biomembranes 2021, 1863, 183485.

25. Li X, Lee K, Chen J and Chen M*: Different anomeric sugar bound states of MBP resolved by a ClyA nanopore tweezer. ACS Nano 2020, 14(2): 1727–1737.

24. Pham B, Eron S, Hill ME, Li X, Fahie MA, Hardy JA and Chen M*: A Nanopore Approach for Analysis of Caspase-7 Activity in Cell Lysates. Biophys J 2019, 117 (5), 844-855.

23. Wolfe AJ, Gugel JF, Chen M and Movileanu L: Kinetics of Membrane Protein-Detergent Interactions Depend on Protein Electrostatics. J Phys Chem B 2018, 122 (41):9471–9481.
22. Bo L, Stokes C, Fahie MA, Chen M, Golovchenko JA and Hau LV: Protein Dynamics of a form-fitting protein in a nanopore: Avidin in ClyA. Biophys J 2018,115 (5): 801-808.
21. Wolfe AJ, Gugel JF, Chen M and Movileanu L: Detergent Desorption of Membrane Proteins Exhibits Two Kinetic Phases. J Phys Chem Lett 2018, 9:1913–1919.
20. Fahie MA, Liang L#, Avelino AR#, Pham B, Limpikirati P, Vachet RW and Chen M*: Disruption of the open conformation of the transmembrane α-helical barrel in the β-tongue deletion mutants of Cytolysin A. Sci Rep 2018, 8:3796.
19. Perez-Rathke A§, Fahie MA§, Chisholm C, Liang J* and Chen M*: Mechanism of OmpG pH-dependent gating from loop ensemble and single channel studies. J Am Chem Soc 2018, 140 (3): 1105–1115.

18. Li X, Huang J, Holden MA and Chen M*: Peptide mediated membrane transport of macromolecular cargo driven by membrane asymmetry. Anal Chem 2017, 89(22):12369-12374.

17. Wolfe AJ, Si W, Zhang F, Blanden AR, Hsueh Y-C, Gugel JF, Pham B, Chen M, Loh SN, Rozovsky S, Aksimentiev A and Movileanu L: Quantification of Membrane Protein-Detergent Complex Interactions. J Phys Chem B 2017, 121(44):10228-10241.
16. Wolfe AJ, Hsueh Y-C, Blanden AR, Mohammad MM, Pham B, Thakur AK, Loh AK, Chen M and Movileanu L: Interrogating Detergent Desolvation of Nanopores. Anal Chem 2017, 89(15):8013-8020.
15. Lin M, Zhang G, Fahie MA, Morgan LK, Chen M, Keiderling TA, Kenney LJ and Liang J: Computational Design and Experimental Characterization of Monomeric Porin OmpGF, BBA - Biomembranes 2017, 1859(7):1180-1189.
14. Fahie MA, Yang B, Pham B and Chen M*: Tuning the selectivity and sensitivity of an OmpG nanopore sensor by adjusting ligand tether length. ACS sensors 2016, 1(5): 614–622.

13. Fahie MA, Yang B, Mullis M#, Holden MA and Chen M*: Selective Detection of Protein Homologues in Serum Using an OmpG Nanopore. Anal Chem 2015, 87 (21):11143–11149.

12. Fahie MA and Chen M*: Electrostatic interactions between OmpG nanopore and analyte protein surface can distinguish between glycosylated isoforms, J Phys Chem B 2015, 119(32):10198-206.
11. Fahie M, Chisholm C and Chen M*: Resolved single-molecule detection of individual species within a mixture of anti-biotin antibodies using an engineered monomeric nanopore, ACS Nano 2015, 9(2):1089-98.

10. Zhuang T, Chisholm C, Chen M and Tamm LK: NMR-based conformational ensembles explain pH-gated opening and closing of OmpG channel, J Am Chem Soc 2013, Oct 9;135(40):15101-13.
9. Fahie M, Romano FB, Chisholm C, Heuck AP, Zbinden M# and Chen M*: A non-classical assembly pathway of Escherichia coli pore forming toxin cytolysin A, J Biol Chem 2013, 288(43):31042-51.
8. Lou H, Chen M, Black SS, Bushell SR, Ceccarelli M, Mach T, Beis K, Low AS, Bamford VA, Booth I, Bayley H and Naismith JA: Altered antibiotic transport in OmpC mutants isolated from a series of clinical strains of multi-drug resistant E. coli, PLoS One 2011, 6(10):e25825.